Thursday, January 20, 2011

Yesterday I did a BF run of 6 miles. I stayed here in Arcata this time to run. It was a combination of city streets, sidewalks, multi user paths. It was a good run all, and all. My feet were tender after wards, but it was not too bad. This morning I woke up with a sore right forefoot, but it is not bad though something I need to monitor. Adding the miles to each run seems to be going well. I do notice some soreness in feet again now as distance increases. My upper legs got a little sore from the run yesterday, but not bad at all. I find the hardest thing is just toughening the bottom of the feet. I think ultimately this will take the longest.

As I have said in the I was never a runner prior to BF running. I was active with other outdoor activities, and worked out in the gym. At this time I don't even really consider myself a runner. I am a barefoot advocate. For me BF running is a marketing tool. I BF run to expose bare feet to more people. Seems running is a popular sport so why not take advantage of that. I want people to see me running with bare feet, and think about it after wards. I want them to talk to others about it at work, dinner table, etc. If we can circulate barefoot exposure people will naturally feel more comfortable with it. This is how I want to help the movement is by exposing it. Their is no doubt in my mind for this area I live in it is a forward thinking idea. It's a very rural area here, and we tend to be behind the times. Though I think anywhere in the USA using bare feet is a new idea.

For the Trinidad to Clam beach run I'm doing on Jan 29. I will run 6 3/4 street miles. Then we must cross a creek, and finish the run which is about 2 more beach miles of running. So my goal before the actual run is to work up to that 6 3/4 BF miles, and possibly do a run on the beach one day. One, or two more training runs, and I will have exceeded the training goals. I certainly won't be the fastest runner, but I anticipate I won't be the slowest either.

My goals at the Trinidad run is just to open up this barefoot conversation. I have never done a organized run before so I really don't know what to expect. I hear spectators will be watching, and I'm sure some media will be around. So prior to the run, or after the run I would like to promote bare feet to whomever is open to listening. I would like people to know that BF are safe, healthy, and any other positive word that describes are feet. It is time for us all to take better care of our feet. Open up the discussion on why conventional shoes are bad for our feet. What we can do to take better care of our feet. Just show folks that we can even run in our bare feet. I don't want the run to be about me running. I want it to be a time to share info with my community. I don't want to tell everyone what to do with their feet. Though I do want to share that other alternatives exist. Explore the idea of taking your shoes off your feet more often. Explore the ideas of what we can do to take better care of our foundation(feet). We need a strong foundation to better the health of the rest of our body. If our feet are not healthy the rest of our bodies will suffer.

So yeah for me BF running is simply a marketing tool. In the process I learn a whole lot of stuff about myself. Why not share it with others, and strive to build a more healthy community.

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