Saturday, January 22, 2011

Preparing for Jan 29. My first organized run.....What mileage option are my feet prepared to do ?

So officially I just started to train for BF running around the end of November. Prior to this time I was walking BF for numerous months. I've also been doing my gym workouts BF for over two years now. So I have a fair amount of BF experience. With BF running being very new to my feet.

It turns out my right forefoot stayed sore for additional time from that last run as I reported before I was a little sore. So I've been contemplating my overall training plan for the Trinidad run. Initially I thought I would be ready, and able to do the 8 3/4 mile run. It appears to me at this time I'm pushing my feet too hard to reach this goal. Other then this run on Jan 29 their is no other reason for me to rush. So in order to train safely, and not hurt my feet from too much too soon. I think I have decided to do the 5 3/4 run instead. That is only about 3 3/4 street miles, and 2 beach miles. As compared to the other choice of 6 3/4 street miles, and 2 beach miles. So I'm having to decide if my feet are really ready for those extra 3 street miles. I have noticed as my BF mileage increases I have been needing to allow myself extra rest. I assume this is normal based on natural transition of using your BF. With that said I'm still very happy with how my feet are progressing.

I think I'm really close to doing the longer run, but not there yet. I'm certainly ready for the shorter run. I have not made a final decision yet. I'll decide in a few more days on which distance run I do. It appears I cut myself slightly short on the amount of training time to do 8 3/4. If I only had a additional 2/3 weeks I would definitely be ready for the 8 3/4 mile run. I figured since the last 2 miles were beach miles I would be OK, but let's reconsider that.....

As of right now my right forefoot is slightly sore, or funky feeling. This was from my last run which was Wens. I'm sure my form fell apart a bit as I got towards end of 6 mile run. Things were getting tired, and skin on bottom of feet were getting tender. I need to condition more at that mileage. So I think I'll give myself one more rest day. Then go on a shorter run then my last run which was 6 miles. I'm feeling like maybe bumping mileage up after every single run may not be the best at this point. So far I have not injured myself from too much too soon, and I'd like to keep it that way. I may need to condition the feet with more 5 - 6 mile ish runs. Before I add more miles. It really does appear I will stick with the 5 3/4 in Trinidad, but my ego won't allow me to make final decision.....yet.

What are my goals on Jan 29 ?
1. To promote bare feet as safe, and healthy.
2. Convey to people we can run in BF, and do many things in BF without shoes.
3. Discuss why/how shoes can effect our health.
4. Possibly talk with media.
5. Have fun, and run BF !

So the way I see it running 5 3/4, or 8 3/4 I will accomplish my goals with either distance......


  1. You're very honest with yourself. I'm impressed with your ability to back off if need be. There's another lesson I'm learning with BFR and that's trying to be honest with myself. I think I'm still in denial about some of the injuries I'm experiencing and am wondering if they weren't TMTS related (although the knee stuff has been around all my life). Seems once I hit the 5 mile mark barefoot, things started falling apart for me. But I was desperate for some longer runs and loved running barefoot so maybe I'm paying for it now.

    I'm still taking your advice though. I'm working on mobility and strengthening while on my hiatus from BFR. Haven't had a chance to walk the trails, but that's a great idea! I'll also be meeting up with a trainer who will be setting up a program for me and assessing my form. He's going to video it. I'm looking forward to dialing it all back in.

  2. I'm very active zap. I won't allow myself to take on a injury due to TMTS. My #1 rule is to listen to my feet. My feet dictate my BF running progression.

    Chances are very high some of what you are feeling is from TMTS. So yeah pay attention to your feet, and listen. The first onset of soreness is the first sign of TMTS. Simply rest your feet, and continue when your ready.

    That's great you are doing the gym type workouts. Surely your time will be worth it, and you'll learn more things about yourself during that journey as well.

    Being honest with ourselves, our abilities is important. As well as listening to our feet to do more, or do less. The feet speak to us everyday on how we should move forward. Sometimes we just have to slow down a little, and listen.

    So far I have found the BF running to really allow me to connect more with myself. A good thing.....A great lesson.
