Tuesday, January 18, 2011

shoe free zones and more........

I'd like folks to think about "shoe free zones". I feel a great starting point is in our homes. Let's allow our feet to be free at home if your new to barefooting. If your more experienced take if further. Taking our shoes off can bring back child like energy. Allow feet to feel at home your carpet, tile floors, temperature changes, etc. If your feet are really cold put a nice comfy sock on. If you have not yet allow your feet to wonder in their environment of safety your home.

Ready to take it a bit further ? Ya work in a office environment ? How about at your desk taking the time to slip off the shoes while your sitting. Maybe bring a slip on shoe product. Have you ever discussed barefeet with your boss ? What's their opinion on BF if any ? Does the boss enforce any shoe policy ? Well what is it specifically ? Open up the conversation. That is what our feet need. They need more exposure to the fresh air, but also exposure to discussion. They need exposure to more people seeing BF. Allow people to see feet, and they will become more comfortable with it.

Do you have your own office, and not at a cubicle ? How about making your personal office a shoe free zone. Maybe not for others as at work it is not a likely situation to get each person to remove shoes. Allow your personal space to be your shoe free zone. Hopefully having your bosses permission, and positive energy. If not use the slip on product as well in your personal office.

I have always found it interesting how women, and men can be treated differently when it comes to our feet. Often it may be accepted for women to wear a flip flop. Though the same situation the men would be looked down at. Take for example a wedding. A women could wear a nice dress with open flip flops on her feet. Perfectly acceptable, right ? Often the men it is just not yet accepted to be looking handsome in a suit, and having sandals on. This can often be the case in office environments as well for work places. Generally we are speaking within the majority of USA. Though I could come up with some circumstances where this would be acceptable. For example many California settings this would be fine though certainly not all. This would be more difficult to fly with many of our right coast friends, but not all of course. The social element is very interesting, and I plan to discuss this much, much more in future posts.

For about the last week I have had a bit of a head cold. Where I live on the Humboldt coast tends to have a lot of moisture. So colds can tend to linger more in time. Luckily I don't get sick very often. Nothing too bad currently, but I do like to rest from physical activities while sick with head colds. Of course with the BF running I've been not following rest rules. Today I plan to take a extra day to rest from taking the next run. I'm walking a fine line. I want to run to increase my mileage before the upcoming organized run I will be doing. I also want to allow me feet rest however my feet feel great. All this BF running, and I'm really happy how they feel. I can see the desired goal just a arm length away. What are my short term goals with the upcoming event ? I'll discuss those ideas very soon with you......

Soon I also hope to share what Humboldt county, California, USA is like to live within. Just to throw in some added extras.....It's a awfully special place, and I hope you would enjoy to read about it.

So as you can see I have many things I would like to discuss, and beyond. This is not just a BF running log. I find in the barefoot community many extend the ideas on BF running. I identify myself first as a BF advocate. I use BF running as a marketing tool to promote BF. So I'm not running to run. I'm running cause I know I can do it. I want to show others bare feet are safe, and healthy. Fitness can be a self absorbed activity. I want to take the many, many hours of barefoot research I have done, and share it with others. Particularly in my own community as it is not being exposed much by others here. This perspective allows me to enjoy another fitness activity, but it becomes much more about sharing with others. Rather then being self absorbed in a personal fitness ritual. I have done my time as a independent gym rat. I will still enjoy that much more in the future, but right now is my time to give back.....

I have a barefoot lifestyle as it is my personal desire. I choose a barefoot lifestyle for a more healthy lifestyle, and I hope you will consider to expose your feet as well. If you have not already. Surely for our health is a marvelous reason to practice it.

So I have many exciting things to discuss with you in the future....

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