Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Today I ran BF on the Hammond trail. I started at the school road intersection of the trail. Ran north 1.85 miles, and then turned around to return for a total run of 3.65 miles. I picked up the pace a bit today as I'd like to get a little faster as well as increase distance. It was a good run. I averaged 4.8 mph in speed.

People ask me how my feet feel during a run ? It does not really hurt at all when I run. Sometimes you step on little pebbles that may make you go "ouch". though it only last for a second. Overall running BF is actually pretty comfortable. It is really nice to just be able to feel the ground. This week has been great because it is not raining. So I'm getting to experience now with some dry surfaces which is a nice change from the rain. The paved Hammond trail is getting pretty easy for me to run on now. In fact I'm starting to run out of paved surface to run on. I'm trying to incorporate more city type street to toughen up the bottom of my feet more. As I think this will be crucial for the Trinidad to Clam beach run at end of month. Today I did get some city street surface running in as well.

How do my feet feel after a run ? Well the bottom of my feet have kind of this "buzz" feeling for a little while. Basically the sensory receptors are all fired up from feeling the surfaces. So the feet need some cool down time after wards. This I find will be a good time to blog after a run. Put my feet up, and let them relax for a few minutes. I like to wiggle my toes to stretch things out in the forefoot area. Also it is common to get a sand paper type feeling on the bottom of my feet. So it can be a little bit harder to walk around as the skin is a little sensitive. This feeling is usually short lived, and gone by the next morning. I anticipate after I run more this feeling will pass.

On Thurs I hope to go up, and run on part of the Trinidad run course. This way I can see what kind of condition the road surface is in. I need to let my feet start feeling what those roads feel like I wil be running on.

In the next post I hope to discuss why I choose not to wear shoes as much as possible.........

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