Sunday, January 16, 2011

My BF run today was 5.5 miles. It was a little harder today. The path I was running was really wet. I gave me feet some time off recently. When I was running for one-two weeks before the break the weather was dry. So today was the first time in a few weeks that I ran on a wet surface. The skin gets to become sensitive on the bottom of your feet with all the moisture. This sensitivity makes it a bit more challenging.

Also I was never a runner prior to the BF experience. So each extended distance is a new personal record for distance. I'm not very focused on time for now. I have found at these distances I'm starting to reach. My quads are starting to get just a little sore. I consider myself to be in pretty good shape. I knew at some point some soreness should start to set in, and I'm approaching that time. When I first started BF running I found my lower leg muscles were getting sore in the very early stages. Often getting very sore with doing the activity for the very first time. This probably lasted for a few weeks. It's probably been a good two months since the lower body soreness. So now it is my quads turn. I've been doing some hills, but nothing serious yet.

The Trinidad to Clam beach run is in 13 days from now. So far I'm just tickled with my performance on this journey. I would have never expected things would come along so nicely. Some things make me nervous then I do it, and overcome the nerves. My biggest fear at this time is it will rain, or just be really wet for the Trinidad run. My intentions are to do the longest run the 8 3/4 miles. The northern portion of the course is awfully rough on the running surface. My feet will no doubt get really tender in just the first 3 miles of that run if it is wet. If it is wet, or raining I'm looking at two possible options. 1 - wear my paper feet for a few miles. Then go back to BF. The paper feet are very, very thin sandals made out of billboard material. 2- consider doing just the 6 3/4 mile run all BF miles. This will eliminate the 3 miles of really rough road. I don't know only time will tell. The weather, and my confidence level will dictate what I do. Obviously what I want is for it to be dry out, and do the longest run. Whatever distance I do the final two miles by estimate is going to be beach running.

My feet appear to be doing very well. The strength seems to be there in the foot. The main thing I'm trying to improve are two things right now. Work my way up in distance, and toughen the skin on bottom of feet. On the run today the last half mile ish I did a combination of walk/run. My soles were feeling tender from the wet run, and my legs were feeling a bit tired. No need to over do it at this point. I pushed it a bit towards the very end quarter mile or so. I hope to do 6 miles on my next run.......We will see.


  1. Hey there! Great to see you over at my blog! Sounds like you're making some mileage headway barefoot. You and I are about at the same distance. I haven't been able to run much lately but 5.5 miles seems like a good consistent distance to toughen up my feet a bit. Yeah. I think you're smart in considering doing part of that race in minimal shoes (or at least have them with you so you can complete it confidently)

    Sounds like you're on you way! Good luck with that race. I'll have to come back to read about it.

    BTW - are you the one who referred me to Body Tribe in Sac on the BRS forums? Just curious since you're in Humboldt County. :-)

  2. Great idea to offer the free gear. That was nice of the company to work with you on that.

    This will be my first organized run. Won't be going for speed, but plan to have lots of fun. My hope is to do the run all BF, but I'll carry something just in case.

    I'm certainly the one that referred you. Thanks for stopping by.....
