Sunday, February 13, 2011

My weekend runs.......

Hi all,

This weekend a did two runs......

The first run was my first trail run. I have explained in past that my local trails have a crushed rocked type top surface. So this makes it a challenge to walk/run on barefoot. I have been super interested in trail running, but needed to fine tune what I would wear on my feet. Wear on my feet to combat the gravelly type surface. Well I ordered a build your own invisible shoe.
My first run was two miles with the invisible shoe. I must say I had a wonderful time on that short run. I was so impressed the the invisible shoe, and just really excited on how much ground feel I had. While at the same time having the protection that I desired. I'll share my review with the shoe at a later time.
My trail running is focused in a local city park called Redwood park. One challenge I face in conditioning at this park. Is that Redwood trees grow on generally steep terrain. So the trails are generally up, or down. Some hills can be rather steep, but at the same time there is a good mixture as far as some level ground, smaller hills, larger hills, etc. To run on that property is a great workout. My calves muscles area will take some time to adapt to that. Other wise I have the leg strength generally speaking, and can handle the cardio aspect just fine.

The second run of the weekend was a beach run of three miles. The weather here has been wonderful in recent weeks. We have actually had a fair amount of sun which is unusual for a Humboldt coast winter. So it's been great to be outside so much ! However the weather pattern is about to take a winter like turn starting tomorrow. Looks like plenty of rain in the upcoming week, and high winds expected for Monday. So I took advantage of a bech run today. It was fun of course.
As the weather front is approaching off the coast it was a bit windy on the run today. Heading north was fine, but southbound trip was a head wind so that made running a bit more of a workout. My legs were only a little sore today from the forest run, but that soreness magnified on the beach run. I'm sure I'll have some sore calves in the morning.

I'm super stoked to have my running salad of beach, and trail runs ! I'd like to discuss on a future post my attitude towards running, and share how I perceive the movement.....

Below pic is me standing inside a Redwood tree at ground level. The very outer layer of redwoods in fire proof. So in the past when their have been fires the center of the tree burns, but the tree may still be standing in some cases even still alive. This is a picture of me looking straight up with the camera, and you can see day light coming in through the crack of tree at top. Got kind of a psychedelic look to it, eh.....

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