Thursday, February 3, 2011

Feeling apprehensive about bare footing in stores ?

Don't worry it is fairly normal for the virgin bare footer. Have you considered wanting to take BF activities into stores while you shop ? Well if your new to this activity you'll need to consider a few things before you take the next step.

1. Be ready to get those looks at your feet. Folks may start to pay a lot more attention to you. The ones that are not shy might ask you questions. The rest will try to stare at your feet while your not looking. I encourage folks to hold eye contact with folks as you pass, and a nice big smile. This will leave a nice impression to the onlookers. Oh they were shoeless, but seemed very happy and friendly. It's a good impression to leave.
2. Carry some sort of footwear with you out in your car, or backpack, etc. You may find that you will need them some places.
3. Know that each store will respond differently to this activity. You will be harassed by some stores I guarantee it. This is what you really need to think about. How will you react to store employees confronting you ? You have to decide what your confrontation reactions will be. So know your position on why BF are safe, and know it very well. Cause you will have to promote it. Or you will have to be passive in the situation. It's up to you.
4. Check out front of the store. Are any shoes required signs posted ? Sometimes stores enforce the unfriendly policy, but don't post the policy on a sign. If a sign exists what does the sign wording say ? You can learn a lot about the stores intellect just by their signage wording. Scouting this out prior to entering store can prepare you for possible situations.

If your going to be a advocate of bare feet publicly. You need to be ready to carry yourself in a positive, friendly manner. Folks are curious, but it can also freak some folks out. You gotta know all the common misconceptions cause you will be drilled on them by onlookers.

If your the advocate type in stores with bare feet. You may have to fine tune your shopping experience. What are your options ? This will dictate your decisions. If your approached, and you begin a conversation asking why you need to wear shoes. It is often a manager approaching you, and when you question them. It is not uncommon for them to become very defensive in your asking questions. You just have to stand your ground, and make them realize your not the average shopper. You may have to fold under their policy, but it's not over. Continue the conversation if you really want to advocate. Most all managers have email on the store web site if one exists. Send them BF literature. Make it none to them who you are, and that your not going away.
The other option is to not shop at the store any longer. do you have an alternative that is BF friendly ? If so certainly support that store, and tell the other store you won't be spending money with them anymore.
Maybe your options are limited, and you need to shop at the unfriendly store. Well their are ways around this as well. Like shopping when the manager is not working in begin, or end of day shift. Also some very minimal footwear can be purchased that should meet your needs. You'll only need to wear them for short time periods.

The bottom line is you can really personalize your experience based on your needs. You really need to educate yourself with the many sources found on the internet. Many of those sites listed on the right side of my blog. The best bare footer is a educated one. Then you need to gain real time experience in the stores. Depending on where you live your results will really vary. I have been very fortunate, but you may find less fortunate results.

I could blog all day about this stuff. You'll read much more about this from me in future posts. In closing I just want us to expose bare feet. The more we expose the more society will become more comfortable with it.

Being bare foot in stores is a wonderful feeling. If you have not yet be sure to give it a try. Just work at a pace you are comfortable with. Afterall this experience is about you first. Then expanding the experience to others to embrace. Whatever you do your comfort level is most important. Just show folks that it can be done, and be done safely.

Stay tuned for more tips, and my personal experiences in future posts. If you like what you read here. Be sure to tell your brethren about this blog. I'm not BF runner focused. My focus is to promote bare feet in our everyday activities. Let's unite and spread the positive sensations !

I find being barefoot allows me to live even more happy. Let's make a more positive/healthy society which begins with our feet. Get folks paying more attention to their feet. It's so simple a idea that gets overlooked by many

Don't let your feet live a sheltered life !

Pic is a few blocks from plaza in Arcata, CA, USA. Taken as the sun was rising over the distant fickle hill.


  1. I have never gone to a store or really out in public barefoot. Just the gym (but not onto the floor - just walking to the pool). Maybe soon I can summon up the courage to do it! I think I would fold under all the pressure and stares though.

    What a beautiful sunrise... I actually was drawn to your blog because I'm considering Humboldt State for college next year. :)

  2. Hi Stuck,

    Many gyms do not allow bare feet. Some allow the vibram five fingers, but other do not. I am lucky to have a independent gym here in Arcata that is BF friendly.

    It's really pretty easy going being BF here. Few stores bother me. Surprisingly the stores here have been open to it mostly. The stares are not too bad here either you do get them sometimes. Some folks will even ask questions.

    Humboldt seems to be a fairly easy place to bare foot. Good luck with your college selection. If you need someone to help you expose your bare feet in Arcata feel free to look me up. The more the merrier !
