Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Children can't be fooled, but they can be taught. Surely the adults can learn from them as well !

Those children....

First off I'll be clear I do not have children.
Going to keep today's post short, but I'll expand on it more at a later time.

Even in the store bare foot with the bottom less sandals on. I can't fool those children. The say "hey you don't have shoes on". Kind of funny I think. Or they stare at my feet as if they are thinking "he does not have shoes on". As if they are jealous, or want to expose me to their parents. It's too funny.

It just goes to show you how we train the children at such a young age. As soon as they can walk we give them shoes. What my problem is with this is they are constantly growing. Putting shoes on them during all this growth just really is not very healthy for their young feet.

If everyone with children could take a step back, and re-evaluate this situation. Can we cut the kids some slack ? Change the mind set to discuss better ways to care for feet. How about shoe free zones at home ? Could we experiment with taking the ideas outside the home ? I really feel are children deserve the freedom to grow with healthy feet, and I hope others would agree.

Starting at a young age with these ideas will also help mold the future. Mold the future of how we look at feet in society. Mold ideas to extinguish all these common misconceptions about feet. I think our feet deserve a second chance to live a free life, and not be sheltered.

Parents..... Can we give the children a chance to explore bare feet ? I really think the children deserve it, and society deserves it. May we at least explore the ideas with our children, and give it a chance ? Setting boundaries is safe, but let's give the bare feet some room to breathe. I think we all would benefit to exploring these ideas. It's not just about BF running. Let's allow the bare feet to experience even more freedom in everyday life. Shall we ? If you already incorporate these ideas then I would like to thank you for doing so.

Remember in every adult is a child. Let your inner child come out to play. Let the young, and old children mold the future of

We will discuss lots more about the children in future posts. I believe as adults we can learn a lot from the children....

Have not ran much lately. Did a 2.5 mile run BF on beach today. So much fun ! Opposite side of ocean are dunes. At one spot I ran up, and down a dune hill. Getting faster, and faster as each round progressed. I did that for about ten minutes with little rest at the end of my 2.5 mile run. I felt like a child running free in my bare feet. Guess I'm still young at heart. Let me play



  1. I couldn't keep shoes on both my boys even if I wanted to. As soon as my youngest is out the door, he has them off even at school. My oldest is the same way but with clothes as well - at least when he was younger. On hot days at school he used to strip naked as soon as he got there. The other kids would soon follow. The teacher was totally cool about it and would let them play with the water hose and make rivers in the sand. The saddest thing was a few parents saw this as unacceptable behavior for a preschool and anonymously reported it to the media. That changed policy forever. They even said the kids HAD to wear shoes... at least for a while. Luckily, lately, nobody has been saying anything when the kids decide to take their shoes off.

    You know what I think it is? Fear. Just plain fear. Fear that innocent child-like behavior will be misconstrued by some not-so-well-intentioned adult. Its the same fear that makes parents afraid to let their children go outside to play. Oh you can't do that! They'll be abducted, get hit by a car, do drugs... (insert stupid excuse here) Its the same fear that judges those who prefer to go barefoot. Fear is stupid.

  2. Great comments zap ! Love the children in school story.....

    Fear.... yup I agree.
